Thursday, March 5, 2009

Lenten Series - Week One - An Introduction to the Great Emergence and the Emerging Church

Some scholars argue that we are in a period of great transition - a once every 500 year shift in the face and style of Christianity - the last being the Great Reformation. Phyllis Tickle discusses this shift in this first video.

The Great Emergence

Wolfhart Pannenburg has descriptively divided the Christian world into four segments - Conservatives (or Evangelicals), Renewalists (Pentecostals, neo-Pentecostals, Charismatics), Liturgicals (Liturgy oriented traditions), and Social Justice (The old Protestant Mainline). Phyllis Tickle suggests that as a part of the Great Emergence that the four types of Christians are merging.

The Gathering Center

We are in a time of great change. The changes of the last 130 years have given rise to the Great Emergence. Phyllis Tickle describes how the rapidly changing world is changing how Christians practice their faith.

20th Century Impact

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